

“The only thing I want in life, is to be known for loving Christ. To build His church, to love His bride and make His Name known far and wide.” – Kari Jobe

I hadn’t “felt” what God wanted from me until I revisited this song (Kari Jobe "Cause of Christ"). Leading up to today, I have been living life for ME. What can I accomplish for myself? Absolute selfish mentality through and through. Well, how does this benefit ME? I was not living a life 100% sold out for Christ. Well, I want to be ALL about Jesus. I want to deny my flesh (i.e. be less about my needs/wants) and to live for Him alone. I want to be on FIRE (figuratively speaking) for Christ and His cause. What is His cause? Well, it’s quite “simple” really. His cause is for His gospel aka the truth that will set us free, to be spread to the corners of the Earth so that individuals can WILLING surrender their lives to THEE author and creator. My job? My job as His servant is to help spread His gospel to EVERY corner of the Earth.

This life is NOT about me. I may want it to be at times, desperately seek for the focus to remain on me and or even feel that is how it should be. However, Life is NOT about me nor about me getting “what I deserve”. Deserve. Whoosh. Ki sa mwe merite nan la vie sa? (What do I deserve?) Not a thing! What I deserved, Christ spared me of (death on a silver platter for ALL my sins). My fate was rewritten and so my life should and will be a constant “THANK YOU” visible through my actions, thoughts and words.

“For this cause I live, for this cause I'd die. I surrender all, for the cause of Christ. All I once held dear, I will leave behind. For my joy is this, Oh the cause of Christ.” – Kari Jobe

As of today and for the rest of my life, I live for His cause. I live for Him. I live to build His church. I live to spread His word. I live to make His disciples. I live for Him and I will die for Him. This may come across as extra dramatic. I understand. I am saying that I am WILLING to die for the cause of Christ. Bananas? Absolutely! His cause is bigger than my life and worth dying for. Why? Cause I now know that death is not the end for me. A life without Christ is. A life not acknowledging and accepting His sacrifice for ME; is completely missing the point of the story. My life is being written so that others may know Christ. How He is able to take dust and make a masterpiece. I am nothing without Him. My purpose is found in Him which includes His cause. In Him, I find joy, peace, understanding, healing, deliverance, protection, answers, comfort, meaning, love, strength and on and on I could go. Joy is the aim. Joy is found in Jesus Christ and obtained and flourishes through the work done in His Name. I want others to know of His peace, love, joy, healing, deliverance, protection, answers, comfort, strength and ALL that He offers.

“It is not fame that I desire, nor statue in my brothers’ eye. I pray its said about my life, that I lived more to build Your Name than mine.” – Kari Jobe

I want His name to be synonymous with my life. “Oh Ketura? Hardcore servant of Jesus Christ!” or “Oh Ketura? She loved her some Jesus!” I want to live out my life as a true follower of Jesus Christ; at all times. I do not want to cling to Him when it is convenient nor when it suits me. Rather, I want every moment “joy or trial” to include Christ. I want to die a servant of Jesus Christ; involved in building His Name. I want all who come in contact with me to experience ALL of Gods’ beautiful and perfect characteristics! That is my desire and mission for my life; to build up Christs’ Name so that He may be known to all.

You see, It’s not about me. The story was never about me. Genesis (1st book of the Bible) leading right up to Revelation (last book of the Bible) depicts hundreds of characters and yet it is not at all about them. Abraham, Moses, Esther, Ruth, Matthew, Mark, Solomon etc all did AMAZING things and had AMAZING stories HOWEVER they are NOT the point. Every SINGLE one of the stories found in the Bible point to Jesus Christ. The stories highlight who He IS, what He HAS done, what He CAN do and what He WILL do. Jesus Christ is the point. The others are merely supporting characters there to BUILD His name. The stories that will be shared on here, apply as well. The story is NOT about anyone but Jesus Christ. I have somewhat acknowledged this truth, in spurts, throughout my life. I declare and I decree, EVERYDAY I will consistently recognize that this life is ALL about Jesus Christ through my actions, words and thoughts. With a humble and willing heart, I will wake up each and EVERY day ready to build His Name, ready to die for His cause and tell HIS story.

“Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” – Matthew 16:24